Get your calculator out! Let's do a quick calculation on how much money you WASTE each week. Oh, you don't waste any time at work? Are you sure? Let's take a deeper look before you answer...
In 2022, around the world companies are feeling the pinch due to the economic fallout of the pandemic and lockdowns. This means whenever significant costs can be saved, it's worth looking into. Some cost savings are obvious, others are hidden.
Consider the apps and software you use on a daily basis. Some of them may be free, but some are costing you subscription fees or monthly per-user fees. On the surface, this may seem necessary. But as you dig a bit deeper you may discover that using multiple single-purpose apps incur more costs than taking the time of finding one that does all the jobs you want in one platform.
An added bonus to moving to a single platform, or at least scaling down your apps, is increased productivity. Pause, and take a moment to think about all of the different applications you use on a day-to-day basis. Gmail, Trello, Jira, Slack, Google Drive, Dropbox, WeTransfer - the list really does go on when you put a second aside to note them all. Switching between them is causing a lot of time wasted - refocusing each time, juggling distractions from other apps, finding where the necessary document/email/chat is and starting interaction again. That explains why a single platform may be a quick solution to two equal problems: time wasted being unproductive and paying for more than one service.
Since we're talking about unproductive time, we've compiled some stats to help you understand the time you are actually wasting each day. There are multiple sources that state that in an 8-hour day, employees are only truly productive for three of those hours. Here's why:
Now that you have some stats to back up your decision-making, it's time to take some steps to streamline your business. PIQNIC has some top tips to help you future-proof your business. PIQNIC has been working tirelessly for years to help you manage your business better. With document management, team management and process management all in one smart platform, we aim to help you work smarter, not harder.
With PIQNIC on your team: